It is such a smooth ride, and he flies in the kitchen. He likes to go really fast and then do donuts!!!
Then the entire day was spent asking me, "Mommy, when is it going to be my birthday?" "Honey, it's your birthday all day long today. But we're going to have your birthday party after Daddy get's home." 30 minutes later..."Mommy, when is it going to be my birthday?" LOL
The party was a lot of fun. We had Thomas tattoos, balloon animals, and we played a few outdoor games. Talan really loves Duck, Duck, Goose, so we played it about 15 times :) Then we played the Blob. Kevin and I both had played that many many times in elementary school b/c we had the same PE teacher (but went to different schools). I tried to tell him they wouldn't really "get" it (it was hard for my 4th graders in the past to get it), but they had so much fun anyway! Everyone laughed so much! Steph, Kevin, and I all tried to play the Blob with them but nobody would get us LOL! The kids would just couple up without even being was just hilarious altogether.
The cake...well, I'm going to spare you the drama behind me making the cake, and leave it by saying that I made a desperate call to Food City that morning at 8:00 AM, and thankfully she had it ready by 5. Thank you cake lady!
Here are a few more pictures...
It was last year when my baby turned 3 that started making me think about having another one. Now he's 4 and we have a baby girl. Isn't it amazing what can happen in one year?
Talan now knows the sounds of L, M, T, and A. He can match objects beginning with these sounds to the correct letter. He can recognize the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I introduced the 5 just 2 days ago. And he can write his first and last name. We have also done quite a bit of cutting and gluing, so he's gotten a lot better at that as well. So academically, he's doing great and I am so proud of how quickly he catches on to things. And as hard as it is, I am so glad to be staying at home!
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