Monday, September 14, 2009

1 Month with Ansley

Ansley at 4 weeks

Ansley is one month old today! She had her second well check appointment, and weighed in at 7 lbs, 11 oz. Her head measured an even 14 in., and her length is now 21 1/4 in. She jumped from 3rd percentile in weight to 10th percentile. We still have plenty of room to grow! Her doctor says she is looking great, and thinks she is gaining very well. Truthfully, she would have weighed a little more, because she had a long (1.5 hours+) nap before I sweeped her up and put her in her car seat to go to the Dr.. While there, she woke up, had a bm, and became very very hungry. So she was weighed with nothing in her tummy and no help at all. But, the exact same thing happened at her newborn well check at 4 days, so her weight gain was appropriately measured.

She got one shot today--her second Hepatitis B. I had the paci in her mouth and was right beside her face, talking to her, when the nurse gave it to her in her thigh. She wailed out, and you could tell it hurt her feelings so badly! Oh it was so sad because she did not expect it at all. But as soon as that band aid was on I scooped her up and she was just fine. She is such a sweetheart.

She actually smiled at me this past Friday, and smiled at my mom as well on the same day. (I'm thinking she thought my mom sure did look a lot like me :) She looks like she is about to smile a lot. But she never actually has since then. Oh well, it will come when it comes. But you really can tell she's happy. She really does smile with her eyes, and you can see her look relaxed and happy at the same time. Can't wait!

In other news, we are making the switch to formula. I hadn't planned on breastfeeding in the first place, but then decided to for a little while...and now she's 1 month and I'm still doing it. For some reason it is so hard to make the switch! Nursing is such a sweet, sweet special time for us. I love how God made mommies bodies able to nourish their babies just perfectly. It really is the neatest thing. It's the last actual physical tie to the baby. Once it's done, well...I don't feels like she's a little less "yours." It's really quite strange that I feel that way. It's not very sensible. Oh well, I don't know the reason behind it. All I know is that it is one very large reason that she loves me so much, and who in the world wouldn't love being the favorite? But the switch must occur...and although it's painful both emotionally [and physically!], I will [eventually] be much happier when it's done.

I am ready to claim my body back and begin exercising to finish off the last few pounds and get back to normal. I actually think I look fine, but I apparently am not because I fit into nothing. I'm still having to wear that Bella Band thing on all my shorts/pants/capris, and that's annoying. I mean, really. I can't go on much longer not having any clothes. I used to have a few pairs of jeans that were a little bigger from just after I had Talan, but I thought I was done [with kids], and took them to Goodwill a year or 2 ago. Ugh. They were cute, too. And worn only a few times.

She wore the absolute cutest outfit today. But she has several absolutely adorable outifts. And I was going to take pics at the ballfield tonight (1st official game...still no uniforms yet), but because my camera has taken up rebellion, I realized I forgot my CF card and obviously could take no pics. That's okay though, and yes, I do blame that on my camera. It should have known better. Esp. one day after pulling the battery card.

I will get some pics of her in that outfit soon. She is growing so fast! She now wears 0-3 mo. instead of newborn sizes, and she had moved up to size 1 diapers last weekend. There are so many newborn outfits she did not get to wear! And I am so taking advantage of this warm weather as a last opportunity to get her into some of the cutest summer fashions that I thought I would never get to see her in! Yay!!!! I just love having a baby girl! I love dressing her! I love how one outfit and one hairbow can look so good on her! I love all the different shades of pink! I love absolutely everything about this little blessing!!!!

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