We had baseball practice tonight, which means that we of course got a late start on eating dinner and all that good stuff. Well, the boys have school pictures tomorrow, so even though it was late and Riley had a bath yesterday, I went ahead and washed his hair so that it would work well with me in the morning. (We usually do baths for Riley and Talan every other night unless their actually dirty.) Spencer does showers, and sweats almost everyday...so he's in the shower almost every night.
As I was blow drying Riley's hair, Spencer asked,"So, Riley and Talan have to take a bath tomorrow, right?"
Then Riley adds, "Yeah, it has to be tomorrow. Not the next day."
I ask, "Why not the next day?"
"Because I'm going to the Tennessee game on that day."
"Oh, that's right. So it can't be that day." (Actually, it can, if he gets dirty at the game...but I just wanted to make it easy and agree.)
"Are you going to the game, Mom?"
"No. I'm going to stay home with the baby."
"But you could take her with you."
"Yes, but it would be better to stay at home because if she cries, no one will have a good time. So I'm just going to stay at home and take good care of her here."
"You know, when you go to the game, and every time you go to school, Ansley and I miss you."
"Well, if it's in the game, and it's starting the second half, you can tell her I'll be home in a minute. And if the game is almost over, and it's at the end, tell her I'll be home in a second. But if we just got there, and the game's just starting, tell her I'll be home in one hour."
"Okay, Riley, I'll tell her." (I was impressed that he knew the differences in time values--well you know, from greatest to least is pretty good! When do they teach that?)
"And don't forget to give her her 2 dolls."
"Okay. Which one does she like better?"
"The one that makes noise."
"Just give her that one, and if she doesn't like that one, then you can try the other one."
"Okay. So is that the big one or the little one?"
"The big one. She likes the big one for me. But I don't know which one she'll like for you."
How sweet he is! I love how involved he feels! In reality, he doesn't play with her all that much. He has had a bad cough that just went away, so we've sort of been keeping them apart. Plus he has been all into the Wii lately...but he'll just smile the sweetest grin when I tell him to give her a kiss on the head and when I tell him how much she loves her Riley kisses. Riley has such a loving heart!
Oh...and both of my boys did so well at practice!!! I am super proud of Riley for hustling and getting those grounders and throwing hard throws. He's totally not afraid of the ball, and even caught a throw to him while he was on 2nd. I couldn't believe it!
Talan played a lot in the dirt, but he also did so good going after the balls! He's still working on getting his glove open wide enough and down correctly, but he hustled and did great!
It turns out that Spencer's age group will not be playing after all. He's not too disappointed. though. This is the first off season he has had since he was 4! He has been in baseball, basketball, and football...meaning year round and all the time. He will likely enjoy his time running around and just being a kid.
Spencer is so very sweet to Ansley too. He's so mature! At least sometimes :) When I picked them up from school today, Ansley was crying. He comforted her, saying, "Ansley, Ansley," over and over...and she stopped crying. He did this the entire way home, changing it to "Answey, Answey," and saying that she likes it when he calls her that. Spencer is an excellent big brother. She is going to totally love him.
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