Where oh where does the time go??? I can't believe she is already 3 weeks old today! She has been starting to noticeably focus on our faces. She's so funny! She is a really loud breather when she sleeps, and if she does so happen to find your face and you are talking to her, she will wrinkle up her forehead, raise her eyebrows, and stare as though she is very surprised. Then she begins her heavy breathing LOL. She is so funny! And an absolute joy!
Is she sleeping through the night? Why NO! Of course not! She's too young anyway, but since I'm nursing her she conveniently wakes me up when she's hungry...every 3-5 hours--it just depends--and then I feed her a little, change her, and then feed her a little more...then it could be her or me who falls fast asleep first. I enjoy these nights with her. I just love the way she feels so safe in my arms. I love the way she likes to snuggle up to me...to smell me. I love her little cry to let me know when she's hungry and I'm taking too long, or when she's not happy about being changed. I love waking up to see her sweet face. I just love taking care of my baby girl! And I love saying "baby girl," too. It's so funny, but saying, "I just love my baby girl," is one of the main things I say all the time to her. The actual words "baby girl" roll of the tongue so well. It's fun to say! I know, it's silly. But it's really true.
She's also gotten to where she wants to hold me back by hugging me with her tiny arms or just laying her hand on my chest or even holding onto the back of my arm as she nurses or when I burp her. So precious to feel her small, perfect hand on me!
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