We have been busy here around the Moore household! I have been able to set up somewhat of a routine the past few days, and it goes a little something like this:
Wake up, iron clothes for all the boys
Make Riley's lunch, sometimes Spencer's
Feed Ansley
Spencer & Riley leave for school
Get Talan dressed
While Ansley is sleeping, take a shower
Play school with Talan
Get ready--hair, makeup, clothes
Play with Talan if Ansley is still asleep
Ansley gets up. Feed her.
Feed Talan lunch
Go outside (bike/stroller or back yard)
Come in, cool off
Laundry/pick up
Go pick up Spencer and Riley
There are a few things I need to change about this schedule. It's not my ideal routine yet. I'd like to add some outdoor time earlier in the morning when it's less hot, for one. Another thing is that I could get up earlier and [ideally] shower and get ready before Talan wakes up. Before I iron clothes for the boys. But then, of course that would mean less sleep. So I'm gonna put that off for now. Also, getting up early would mean risking Ansley waking up and crying and waking the others up while I am in the shower. That's a pretty good excuse, isn't it??? So I'm going to keep on sleeping until almost 7 for now. It's nice sleeping so late!! Perhaps I'll alternate early wake-up days...who knows.
A couple of things going on around the house lately....Yesterday, after I got home from picking up the boys, Ansley was still asleep in her carseat. As I was picking up around the kitchen, she began to fuss and wake up. Riley came to tell me. So I asked Riley to go talk to her or sing to her for just a minute. He said, "What? Okay, let me get my microphone!" LOL he's so funny! He sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" to her until I got to her. Then he followed us to my bedroom with his microphone and continued to take requests as he put on a show on my bed. Riley is hilarious!
Talan can now stand up as he pedals on his bike! It's true! Yesterday was Ansley's first stroller ride (she went on 2 yesterday), and so Talan rode his bike with us. My little 3-year-old was standing up on his pedals, riding like a little pro! Cutest sight to see--he's still so little to be doing that! He still has his training wheels on, but still--so cute!
Spencer will be starting kid-pitch baseball this fall. I am very nervous about it. Baseball is his favorite sport, but to be honest, we are pretty competitive with it. He has always been really good at baseball (it's his best sport), and I really hope he continues to both enjoy it and do well at it. This new advancement makes me pretty nervous! I've heard of kids doing well all up until this stage!
Riley and Talan will both be playing in a fall league as well. Kevin will be coaching, and I'm pretty excited about it. This is Talan's first time playing an organized sport, and I am curious to see how he does with it. Riley is great at baseball. He has a natural ability to understand the sport and was batting I guess since he was one. Of course, he grew up seeing Spencer play, so that has a lot to do with it. But Riley really is great at it. He bats wondefully. Fielding is harder, and part of it is because he has trigger thumb in his left hand. He initially had them on both hands (they weren't bad, but they did hinder some abilities). He had surgery around Christmas last year on both thumbs, and at first it seemed successful, but then it came back on his left hand. That's his catching hand, and with him already being so little...it makes it even harder to open his glove wide enough to catch the ball. I didn't want to redo the surgery over summer because I knew we'd be doing a lot of swimming, but I need to plan it again. I'll probably try for November/December. He did do great at the Thunder Baseball Camp that we sent him to, though, over the summer. He was still able to catch a lot of grounders--but I know it has to make it harder on him. But oh, how he loves baseball.
When Kevin or I play baseball with them in the yard or sometimes in the playroom, Talan will sometimes play too. Not always, but sometimes. Well, Talan is (was!) the baby. So he is used to getting his way. If he hits it fair, he'd cry foul anyway just so he'd get another turn at bat. And many many times he would refuse to run to first. And then he would sometimes get bored and simply be finished once he got to 1st or 2nd base. He'd do his own thing (like bubbles or riding his bike) until he wanted to hit again. And that child is very stubborn. He will pitch a fit if he doesn't get his way...oh my we might be in for a show come baseball season! I can see him being one of those kids with a lot of talent, zero discipline. But I can't wait, nonetheless! Being the obsessive coach that he is, Kevin has called their first practice for tomorrow because he just can't wait until next week, when they are actually scheduled to have the field. I am set to go out to eat with a couple of friends, so I won't be able to see his first practice now (um, thanks, Dear). I can't wait to hear about it, though!
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