Kevin and I met in high school, and dated pretty much the entire time. We weren't together during college, but later married and now have one incredible family. We have 3 boys--Spencer Evan, who just turned 9; Riley Alexander, who just turned 6; and Talan James, who will turn 4 in a few short weeks. Ansley Elizabeth was born just 6 days ago...and she was clearly our last shot at having a girl.
I was sure that I wasn't going to have any more babies, as 3 is plenty...but when Talan had his 3rd birthday...and Kevin kept on and on about trying one last time...and keeping up around the house was getting easier...and the finances were getting better...well, I decided I wasn't quite ready to close the childbearing chapter of my life. I thought long and hard about it, prayed about it, and carefully weighed how it would affect my sweet sons. And then I decided, you know, that I wasn't overwhelmed... I felt like our family was doing fabulously... I felt like the needs of my boys were easily being met, I felt like I had plenty of attention going towards each of them, and I felt like I could try just one more time. But I still fought the desire, thinking that I was blessed enough...3 healthy boys and things going so well between Kevin and me...I should just be thankful for what I have and not push the envelope with four.
And then I gave in. When I decided it was a go, I was giddy with excitement...this was the only pregnancy that we got to truly plan! Kevin was reading the internet with tips on how to produce a girl...and that's what we followed! That was the end of November/early December. On Dec. 22nd, I found out I was pregnant! We were soooo excited. And I was a little anxious about finding out what the sex of the baby was (OF COURSE!). I had boy and girl names picked out, because I knew that whatever God blessed me with, I would still of course be thrilled with (but I did want a girl). Brady for a boy, Kendall for a girl. We had picked out Kendall for a girl name back when I was pregnant with Riley, and had always thought we would use it. Later during the pregnancy, however, I wasn't so fond of Kendall. Kendall sounded so much like Spencer, Riley, and Talan...and I didn't want her to fit in so nicely. I wanted her to have a definite girl name. I mean, I had waited my entire life to have this baby girl. I wanted a girly name. So Kevin and I bickered about the name for weeks. Months. And finally I just told him that I deserved this name. I had wanted a girl all my life, my body had now went through 4 pregnancies...I deserved to name this baby. And so I agreed that it wouldn't be named Sophie, and after a day of thinking it over, he let up and let me have the name. He said he "wouldn't be happy with any name other than Kendall," so whatever I picked would be "fine." If that was a last ditch plea for the name, I totally ignored it, and enjoyed my newfound freedom of picking the name. Later, we agreed on Ansley Elizabeth. And yes, he likes it :) but he did tell me once after she was born that she did "look like a Kendall." Ugh.
I am taking off nearly 4 months with Ansley, and am scheduled to return to work on December 14. I can already tell you that that will not be easy. I stayed at home after Riley's birth and Talan's birth, and didn't go back to work until Talan was 11 months old and Riley was 3 years old. So it will be very hard to return. But Spencer is in the 4th grade this year, and along with loving my job, and missing my coworkers (I do have the best coworkers that I know a longshot), teaching Spencer for Social Studies is plenty of incentive to get back to it.
How is Ansley? She's wonderful. She is an absolute angel and she just has a cloud of sweetness that surrounds her. For now she is sleeping with me in the living room at night. She is quickly becoming spoiled, and wants to be held all the time. This might be because we like to hold her all the time. But I am aware that this is a bad habit to start. She usually sleeps in my arms (or Kevin's), and occasionally has a nap in the swing. She spends most of her time asleep. If you want her to wake up, just sit her down :) Then of course she will want to eat. She LOVES to eat. That is definitely her favorite activity. I am breasfteeding, which means she's stuck on me nearly all the time right now. I really do enjoy it, but Kevin has to return to work tomorrow, and breastfeeding seems to tie up a lot of my time. It will be hard to juggle both Talan and her, and I am going to have to improve in many ways in order to please my little boy.
Talan has been just super with Ansley (they all have), but you can tell he is definitely more emotional and needs attention. He got so much attention from me before...he was such a momma's boy...that it's sort of hard to deal with. He adores--and I mean adores--Ansley, but it's hard for him because she has so much of my attention now. It has opened the door for Kevin this week, and Kevin and Talan have really enjoyed quality time together...while Spencer and Riley have been at school. So that part is good. But it does make my heart hurt to see Talan turn to Kevin when he would always turn to me before. I am beginning to get my energy back though, so hopefully Talan and I can get back on track very soon.
Wow I can't believe I have just written that much. I have plenty to do...the 4th grade teachers are bringing us dinner tonight! I can't wait to see them!
Yeah for a blog! I am obsessed with reading blogs and I will add your to my list! And just for the record...I think she looks just like an Ansley!
You have such a beautiful family! And I agree - she definitely looks like an Ansley! :)
Yay for the blog, Jackie! :o)
I loved reading your blog! Ansley is gorgeous and I've already told you that I lovw the name! I'd be more than happy to help you out in any way I can since I'm just down the road- let me know if there's something I can do.
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