Ok so last week we had revival. Just knowing it was coming up got me excited. Last year at Revival, both Spencer and Riley went up to get saved. Riley was a young five at the time, and so I wasn't really sure how to take it. I actually sort of got in his way a little bit, blocking the aisle just a tad during the invitation...just to give him an extra moment or so to really consider what he was doing. He edged around me, and said he wanted to go. Of course, I let my sweet boy go. It was the same night...September 7th I believe (I could look it up, but I'm not going to--it's late). One of the happiest moments of my life. I'm still doubtful that Riley knew what it meant...and when it came time for Baptism, I asked him if he wanted to and he said, "No. I want to wait 'til I'm six," so again...doubtful. Pretty sure he didn't truly get it. But you know, it still means so much that he went up...regardless of whether he actually understood. Riley wanted to give his heart to Jesus. He could tell me how He died on the cross for our sins. He knew the story. But I'm pretty sure he didn't really understand what it meant. Here's a laugh. On the way home, I told them how we were going to have to make some phone calls to let everyone know about their decisions that night, and that they got saved. Riley said, "Who saved us?" I said that Jesus did. He mumbles, "Oh. I thought Batman did," with a chuckle. Ok so doubtful he understood. LOL
Spencer was of age, I believe. He got baptized the following Sunday. It was such a wonderful, wonderful night. I distinctly remember him asking me the next night during service, when Bro. Len Turner would mention the word "Christian," he would say, "Is that what I am now? I'm a Christian, right?" When I told him he was, he got a huge grin on his face. What an angel.
So I am forever grateful for Brother Len Turner, and absolutely loved and enjoyed his boldness, sense of humor, and Georgia drawl. It was excellent.
Revival with Brother Henry Linginfelter did not disappoint. Again, this envangelist was an excellent speaker (more softspoken than Len), easy to follow, and delivered messages straight to my heart. Kevin and I both went to the altar on different nights. And on the last night, Wednesday, my sweet son Riley went to the altar as well, wanting to be saved. Mrs. Jones talked with him, and said that she still wasn't quite sure he fully understood yet, and that she would speak again with him in a few weeks.
To see your son up their twice, both at such an early age, gives me goosebumps. I hope and pray that Riley will continue to seek the Lord and feel no inhibitions about walking that aisle. I hope that he will always be in tune with the tugging of his heart, always doing his best to be obedient when he feels the Lord is calling him. I hope that when he isn't sure if the Lord is calling him or not, he'll go. I pray that the Lord has a special, special plan for him.
And in case it isn't clear...I love revival.
Friday night I went shopping with my homegirl Ansley. LOL. 2 stores: Children's Place and Alumni Hall. It was about time Ansley had a VOL outfit, and I just hadn't found one cute enough yet. I like the pink, I don't like the pink...never was completely sold on it, since I sorta wanted her to match everyone else. Well, I got her an orange and white tutu. I'm gonna put her in a white onesie (sure which I got a white one with orange letters!), some blue jeans, and the tutu over the jeans. In case you don't know, tutus are really scratchy. Not really the ideal fabric against your precious one's skin. And plus, I like the whole jeans under it thing. Now since Saturday's game was also Halloween, I've yet to put in on her. But can't wait!
Back to Friday. 2 stores. Lost my keys. 2 stores. No one found them. I was actually stuck in the mall after it closed, with the custodial people and security people, waiting on Kevin to come with the extra key. I was so glad I brought the diaper bag in...what would I have done with no bottle and no diapers? As I'm talking with the Children's Place people, a lady walks over to me from across the mall, asking if I need any help. I mean, it was clear I needed help. I was going through the bags one more time, talking with the workers.... This lady stayed with me the entire time. She kept saying she was about to leave, and was I okay...but she never actually did. We sat in those really comfy massage chairs in the mall and talked. She asked me if I was a Christian, and we went on from there.
The exact subject matter is too personal to discuss. But I will tell you this...God had our paths intersect for a reason. She shared some things with me that I needed to hear, and I actually said a couple of things that she needed. It was divine intervention. That gave me goosebumps as well. I talked Kevin's head off about it. And then on the ride home, I realized something really really weird. I say weird for a lack of a better word. Perhaps eerie. I don't know. Eerie sounds like it has a negative connotation. I mean for a positive one. Anyhow, I remembered my first impression of this lady as she approached me in the mall. Me, overwhelmed, a little flabbergasted, and totally in despair...and she comes at me, with her pale skin and blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail...around 50 or 55 I'd say...asking if she can help me in any way. I thought, "Is she an angel?" And then I went back to my current situation. But when she asked, "Are you a Christian," --I remembered this on the way home as I was reflecting--I remember giving her a slight smile...and knowing she was going to ask me that. Now, I don't believe she was an angel. Simply because I was able to give her a few things to think about...not just her helping me. But I do believe she was sent to me from heaven. The time, the place, the situation....She also was a teacher, and that is what made it comfortable for me to talk with her...she told the Childrens Place worker that she was a teacher, and that one of her fellow teachers lost her keys that week 6 times in one day. (I was thinking, geez lady I'm not that bad. LOL) But this was all before I mentioned I was. In fact, she didn't ask me my profession until quite a bit later. But I must confess knowing she was a teacher did make her a little easier to talk to. I felt like we had a common ground, and I felt like she must be relatively trustworthy. Now, I know that's not necessarily the case, but you know...generally speaking.
So anyway, the Lord dropped in on me. He shook me up a little. He let me know He was there. He put me in awe, and reminded me of how Almighty He is. He reminded me that I am one tiny, tiny being, and that He controls it all. He reminded me that He is listening to my prayers. And for maybe the first time, He let me feel that I could actually help someone by telling my story...that I do have something to offer. Not that I feel worthless or anything, but when it comes to giving advice and stuff and relating it to scripture...I'm not necessarily usually the giver. I would say I am rarely the giver of information. I seek help through my closest friends...well, usually my good friend Angela. She has always led me back the Word and taken the time to pray with me and pray for me. She never claims to have any answers...but only leads me to Scripture, where the answers truly lie. She tells me of her own shortcomings, of her own struggles. And I am so very appreciative of her. So it was nice to offer something back to this wonderful stranger. I will never forget her name or her story. And I stand in awe at how the Lord placed us right there together, to help one another.
Our God is an Awesome God....
Dear Evan
3 years ago